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Clothey, Rebecca, Drexel University
Clyde, Margaret, University of Melbourne
Cocklin, Barry, Charles Sturt University
Coker, Helen, University of the Highlands and Islands Inverness College
Collie, Louise, Charles Sturt University
Condliffe, Peter, Queensland University of Technology
Congdon, Jr., Mark, University of Maine
Connor, Vince, Catholic Education Office
Coombe, Kennece, Charles Sturt University
Cooper, M.G., Edith Cowan University
Cooper, Maxine, Federation University
Cooper, Maxine
Cooper, Maxine, University of Ballarat
Corbett, Michael, University of Tasmania
Corbett, Michael, University of Tasmania (Australia)
Corbett, Michael, Acadia University (Canada)
Cornish, Linley, University of New England
Cosby, Amy, CQUniversity Australia
Cosby, Amy, CQUniversity
Cosgrave, Catherine, University of Melbourne
Cranston, Neil, University of Tasmania
Croft-Piggin, Lindy, Charles Sturt University
Cross, Kathleen, University of Southern Queensland
Croxon, Lyn, Charles Sturt University
Cruise, R.J., Sunraysia College of TAFE
Cruise, RJ, Sunraysia College of TAFE
Crumb, Stephen, University of Newcastle
Crump, Stephen , University of New Castle
Cruz-Arcila, Ferney, King's College London
Cuervo, Hernan, University of Melbourne
Cushman, Kathleen
Cybula, Peter, University of New England


d 'Plesse, Peter , Roseneath Primary School
D'Angelo, Belinda, Office of the Deputy-Vice Chancellor (Students), La Trobe University
D'Angelo, Belinda, Office of the Provost, La Trobe University.
d'Plesse, P.R.
d'Plesse, Peter, Roseneath Primary School
Dale, Marie, SPERA
Danaher, Geoff, Central Queensland University
Danaher, P.A., Central Queensland University
Danaher, Patrick Alan, University of Southern Queensland
Danaher, Patrick Alan, Central Queensland University
Daniels, Annette Yulumburruja, Wuyagiba Bush Uni
Darnell, Frank, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Davidson, Josie, Charles Sturt University
Davie, Serena, Department of Education Western Australia
Davies, James Robert, Flinders University
Delany, John, Christchurch College of Education
Devlin, Brian, Charles Darwin University
Devlin, Marcia, Federation University

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