Australian First Nations and Indigenous education

Bangarr, M. (2022). A Homeland Education Journey. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 32(1), 85-89.

Benveniste, T., Van Beek, A., McCalman, J., Langham, E., & Bainbridge, R. (2020). Can it be done?: An evaluation of staff perceptions and affordability of a school-based multi-component integrated intervention for improving the resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boarding students. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 30(1), 33-50.  

Birnie, I. (2022). Blended Learning to Support Minority Language Acquisition in Primary School Pupils: Lessons From the 'Taking Gaelic Home Study'. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 32(2), 126-141.

Duncan, H., Smith, J., & Bachewich, L. (2022). Mino-Pimaatisiwin: Beginning the Journey towards Decolonisation and Reconciliation. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 32(2), 1-18.  

Espinal-Meza, S. (2024). Critical Pedagogies for Reappraising Indigenous Knowledge and Diversity in Rural Peru: The Voices of Two Rural Teachers. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 34(2), 71-86.

Fyhn, A. B., & Jannok Nutti, Y. (2023). Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Resource for a Sámi Mathematics Curriculum. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education33(2), 16–31. 

Guenther, J., Cuervo, H., & Davie, S. (2023). The Importance of Local Voices in Rural Communities. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 33(3), i-iv.

Guenther, J., Fuqua, M., Ledger, S., Davie, S., Cuervo, H., Lasselle, L., & Downes, N. (2023). The Perennials and Trends of Rural Education: Discourses that Shape Research and Practice. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 33(3), 1-31.

Guenther, J., Oliver, R., Ober, R., & Holmes, C. (2024). Remote School Retention in Australia: Why do First Nations Students Disengage and Drop out? Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 34(3), 73-91.

Healey, S., & Auld, G. (2024). Towards a Framework of Culturally Responsive Boarding. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 34(3), 55-72.

Holmes, C., Guenther, J., Morris, G., O'Brien, D., Inkamala, J., Wilson, J., & McCormack, R. (2024). Researching School Engagement of Aboriginal Students and Their Families from Regional and Remote Areas Project: Yipirinya School Case Study. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 34(1), 145-151.

Jaggi, A., Rogers, K. G., Rogers, H. G., Daniels, A. Y., Ens, E., & Pinkcham, S. (2024). “We Need to Run Our Own Communities”: Creating the Wuyagiba Bush Uni in Remote Southeast Arnhem Land, Northern Australia. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 34(1), 122-144.

Moore, L., Macfarlane, R., Wakefield, N., & Davie, S. (2024). Meeting the Needs of Students and the Needs of a System. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 34(3), 92-98.

O'Connor, M. (2021). The Impact of Demographic Factors on Student Attendance in Queensland State Secondary Schools. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 31(1), 58-75.  

Ober, R. (2024). Case Study of Nawarddeken Academy: On Country Learning in West Arnhem Land. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 34(3), 107-114.

Oliver, R., McCarthy, H. C. D., & Jackson, L. (2024). Investigating Remote School Attendance, Retention and Engagement: A Case Study Involving Students as Co-researchers. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 34(1), 152-156.

Page, J. (2024). Building Language, Literacy, Numeracy, and Digital Skills with Aboriginal Rangers in the Northern Territory. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 34(3), 115-125.

Ridley, C. (2023). Research and Education in the Kimberley: A Local Perspective. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 33(3), 103-107.

Shay, M., Oliver, R., Bogachenko, T., & McCarthy, H. (2023). “From the Bottom to the top”: Learning Through Stories of Transitioning from an Aboriginal Boarding School to the Workplace and Life Beyond School. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 33(3), 30-46.

Thorburn, K., & Ridley, C. (2024). When the School is the Community, and the Community is the School—Connectedness is Everything: A Case Study of a Remote School at Yiyili, Central Kimberley, Western Australia. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 34(3), 99-106.

Wallin, D., & Scribe, C. (2022). Wāhkōhtowin: Decolonising Teacher Preparation for Rural, Urban and First Nations Schools. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 32(2), 59-74.  

Wallin, D., & Tunison, S. (2022). Following Their Voices: Supporting Indigenous Students' Learning by Fostering Culturally Sustaining Relational Pedagogies to Reshape the School and Classroom Environment. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 32(2), 75-90.