Foregrounding Leadership Connectedness

A Preservice Teacher Preparation Program to Staff Australian Regional, Rural and Remote Schools


  • Catherine Thiele University of the Sunshine Coast
  • Joanne Casey University of the Sunshine Coast
  • Linda Eager Department of Education, Queensland
  • Susan Simon University of the Sunshine Coast
  • Shelley Dole University of the Sunshine Coast


professional experience preparation programs, Teacher Enhancement Centre (TECe), rural school leadership, leadership, collaborative partnerships, rural and remote school staffing


Set within the broader employment crisis facing Australian schools, attracting preservice teachers to teach in a regional, rural, and remote (RRR) school community has been a long-standing educational priority. Research has identified the role of placement initiatives, the benefits of preparing preservice teachers for RRR contexts, and the centrality and significance of community and relationships. What is less frequently acknowledged is the role of school leaders in acting as the nexus between preservice teachers and the RRR community. Specifically, how leaders effectively support and enact relationship-based initiatives for preservice teachers. This research explores the leadership strategies of a group of high school leaders—leaders from a large metropolitan Prep-Year 12 College (Brisbane, Queensland) and Far North Queensland. Central to the leadership partnerships is a preservice teacher RRR preparation program facilitated by a Brisbane College via their Teacher Enhancement Centre. In this paper, we report on the strengths of their program in establishing key connections. Implications are drawn in relation to how school leaders connect with other leaders, and preservice teachers through the program, and how these connections can support place-based experiences for preservice teachers while concurrently addressing the staffing needs of RRR schools.

Author Biographies

Catherine Thiele, University of the Sunshine Coast

Catherine’s teaching and research explores transformative and socially responsible practices informing teacher professional development, preservice teacher preparation (particularly for regional, rural, and remote education), Initial Teacher Education, and school/university partnerships.

Joanne Casey, University of the Sunshine Coast

Joanne is a research practitioner, and her research is focused on associations among cognitive limitations for interactions, collaboration as an improvement strategy, and school silo mentality. Joanne’s diverse experience in teaching, coaching, mentoring and leadership within schools across Australia is the catalyst for her keen interest in building interdisciplinary collaborative partnerships.

Linda Eager, Department of Education, Queensland

As a Prep-12 educator, accreditor and school leader, Linda is at the forefront of driving teacher capabilities through continual enhancement of professional practices in curriculum, middle schooling, academic excellence, pre-service teacher development, and aspiring leader capabilities. Her leadership and university engagement develops high potential future teachers for our rural and remote schools.

Susan Simon, University of the Sunshine Coast

Sue Simon’s research and teaching in the School of Education and Tertiary Access at the University of the Sunshine Coast are in the areas of quality teaching, leadership and school culture. Sue draws on her practical experience of having been a teacher and principal in several Queensland schools prior to moving into academia.

Shelley Dole, University of the Sunshine Coast

Shelley’s teaching and research career has been in the field of mathematics education across early years, primary and secondary schooling. In her move to leadership as Head of School of Education, she became increasingly focused on quality practicum for preservice teachers and the crucial issue of preparing and mentoring graduate teachers into the profession. The critical role of partnerships for preservice teacher professional development became a new dimension to her research field.




How to Cite

Thiele, C., Casey, J., Eager, L., Simon, S., & Dole, S. (2024). Foregrounding Leadership Connectedness: A Preservice Teacher Preparation Program to Staff Australian Regional, Rural and Remote Schools. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 1–17. Retrieved from

